japan town의 5층 평화탑은 건축가 다니구치 요시로(Yoshiro Taniguchi)가 설계했습니다.



贝博体彩app到处都是可以探索的独特村落. japan town 은 밀집되어 있으며 이 지역의 다소 이상한 도시 디자인으로 인해 최고의 보석을 찾기가 어려울 수 있습니다. 但作为目的地专家,我们将帮助您找到他们!




如果要开始做面料理 udon mugizo 请在这里品尝乌冬面. 이곳은 더 널리 알려진 라멘과는 달리 수제 우동을 전문으로 하는 시내의 몇 안 되는 곳 중 하나입니다. 有些餐厅会选择非常丰富的奶油酱,包括海胆酱. 但是猪肉汤很轻、很均衡,而且足够丰富. 充足的部分也是一大优点. 在AMC歌舞伎看电影前享受简单用餐的理想场所.



总部设在南加州的 ramen yamadaya贝博体彩app开分店时,引起了很多话题,这是当然的. 煮了很长时间的顿科茨汤值得关注. 一些hardcore的粉丝更喜欢味道浓郁的菜叶. 辣的拉面很受欢迎,但正宗的山田亚拉面也不能失败. 当然要吃茶水,等晚餐时间到了再准备等待.



泡面爱好者都有自己强烈的喜好. 喜欢喝清淡爽口汤的人 卢,谷 请到那边去. 해산물에 초점을 맞춘 메뉴는 히로시마에서 공수한 조개 라면과 굴 튀김을 포함해 놀라운 즐거움을 선사합니다. 卢,谷는 예약 없이 방문할 수 있으므로 이 인기 장소에서는 웨이팅이 발생할 수 있습니다.



在无数家日本餐厅工作期间 royal indian” 你还可以品尝到喜马拉雅山和北印度的美食. 맛있는 모모와 부드러운 닭고기 및 양고기 카레를 곁들인 점심 또는 저녁 식사를 즐길 수 있는 매력적인 장소입니다. 因为有亲切的员工和舒适的环境,你会想继续访问的.



食道乐街在纽约奥斯汀或加利福尼亚的其他地方 丸子福拉门 你可能接触过,但很受欢迎的经营方式始于贝博体彩app. 在日本城分店可以品尝到地图上出现的奶油汤和薄面条. 查秀五花肉是值得等待的.



你一定要吃的料理就在你的名字里. 韩国料理堂的名产炖排骨,由具备烤肋排的服务器在眼前戏剧性地烹饪! 大虎的 다른 주목할만한 메뉴로는 쇠고기 갈비 수프인 칼비탕과 샌프란시스코에서 신나는 밤을 보낸 후 몸에 생긴 병을 치료하는 데 완벽한 요리라고 말하는 설렁탕이 있습니다.



喜欢日本料理的人(或对食物有好奇心的人) 我是你的市长 에 가서 흥미로운 일본 제품을 모두 확인하고, 갓 포장된 스시, 해초 샐러드, 또는 한두 가지 일본 스낵을 맛보세요. . 也可以带美食去附近的和平广场,在人们参观的时候尽情享受. 니지야는 찾기 어렵지만 유용한 주방 도구를 놀랍도록 저렴한 가격에 구입할 수 있는 곳이기도 합니다. 这是为美食家准备的完美纪念品.



如果你想在Japantown吃特别的饭 yuji 没有比这更好的地方了. 使用最新鲜的食材 갓포 yuji专门做日式料理 米其林导游 当然也受到贝博体彩app精英们的关注. 12석 미만의 좌석과 높은 가격(1인당 $150 이상)을 갖춘 예약 전용 장소인 yuji는 상당한 사전 계획을 세울 수도 있지만 기다릴 가치가 충분히 있다고 생각합니다.



因为美味的泰国料理而获得米其林明星奖的 nari的 以独特的料理和优雅的氛围而闻名. 请品尝鱿鱼和猪肉下巴肉的前菜. 你不会后悔的. Pim Techamuanvivit 셰프의 다른 놀라운 창작 요리에는 칠리 플레이크 튀김 브란치노, 카레 양고기 정강이, 그리고 심지어 맛있는 야채 중심의 셀렉션도 포함됩니다.



你想要更接近地球的食物吗?? 访问天罗库,在传送带上品尝你想要的高品质寿司. 你一定会对这种多样性感到惊讶! 일주일 내내 늦게까지 영업하는 저렴한 옵션인 Tenroku는 그룹, 가족 또는 예산이 부족한 방문객에게 적합합니다.

yasukochi ' s sweet stop的Blum咖啡蛋糕


准备好甜点了吗?? yasukochi ' s sweet stop 《贝博体彩app》的Blum咖啡蛋糕已经成为贝博体彩app的经典菜单50多年了. 시폰 케이크 층에 휘핑크림을 얹은 다음 주인인 Tom Yasukochi가 1950년대와 60년대 샌프란시스코에서 인기를 끌었던 소다 분수 체인인 Blum's의 사탕 제조사로부터 만드는 방법을 배운 커피 크런치 캔디로 덮습니다. 이 작은 가게에서는 케이크를 계속 구입할 수 있지만 오전 11시쯤에는 매진되는 경우가 많으므로 일찍 가거나(오전 10시에 문을 엽니다) 미리 계획을 세우고 이틀 전에 전체 주문을 하세요! 还有各种各样的蛋糕,有趣的糖果和曲奇饼.

udon mugizo

1581 webster st.

To start your foray into noodles, try the udon at udon mugizo. It’s one of the few places in town specializing in handmade udon, as opposed to the more widely known ramen. Some diners opt for the really rich cream-based sauces, including one made with uni; but the pork broth is light, balanced, and just rich enough. The generous portions are also a plus. It’s an ideal spot for a fast meal before catching a movie at the AMC Kabuki.

ramen yamadaya

1728 buchanan st.

There was a great deal of buzz when Southern California-based ramen yamadaya opened a location in San Francisco, and rightfully so. The long-simmered tonkotsu broth is notable (some hardcore fans go for the extra-rich kotteri). The spicy ramen is another favorite, but you can’t go wrong with the classic Yamadaya ramen, either. Get the chashu, of course, and be prepared to wait if you’re there during prime dinner hours.

hinodeya ramen bar

1737 buchanan st.

Ramen aficianados all have their own, strong preferences. For those who prefer lighter, clearer broths, head to hinodeya. Their seafood-focused menu offers some incredible delights, including clam ramen and fried oysters flown all the way from Hiroshima. hinodeya is walk-in only, so you may encounter a wait at this popular spot.

royal indian”

1740 fillmore st.

While you may be in a sea of japanese establishments, you’ll also find excellent Himalayan and North Indian cuisine at royal indian”. It’s a charming spot for lunch or dinner, with tasty momos and tender chicken and lamb curries. With friendly staff and pleasant surroundings, you'll want to return again and again. 

marufuku ramen

1581 webster st.

Savvy foodies may have encountered marufuku ramen in austin, new york, or other parts of California, but the popular operation began here in San Francisco. at their japantown location, you can enjoy the creamy broth and thin noodles that put them on the map. 他们死在水里了.

Kalbijjim和Beef Soup

1620 post st.

must-have dish is right there in The name. The famous braised short rib at this korean establishment is prepared dramatically before your eyes by servers equipped with blowtorches! other notable selections from daeho ' s menu include kalbitang, a beef rib soup, and seolleongtang, an ox bone soup that some say is the perfect dish to cure what ails you after an exciting night out in San Francisco.

nijiya market

1737 post st.

japanese food lovers (or the food curious) will want to head to nijiya market to check out all the interesting japanese products on offer, and pick up some of their freshly packaged sushi, seaweed salad, or even just a package or two of japanese snacks. You can take your goodies to the nearby Peace Plaza, and enjoy them while people watching. Nijiya is also a great place for hard-to-find but useful kitchen tools at startlingly low prices. They're the perfect souvenirs for a gourmand.


1700 polk st.

For an exclusive dining experience in Japantown, look no further than yuji. specializing in the kappo style of japanese cooking, which uses only the freshest available ingredients, yuji has attracted the attention of San Francisco's elite diners, as well as the michelin麦. A reservation-only venue with less than a dozen seats and a high price point ($150+ per person), yuji may take a good deal of advance planning, 但我们需要喝水.


1625 post st.

Recipient of a Michelin Star for its terrific Thai cuisine, nari is known as much for its elegant atmosphere as it is for its one-of-a-kind dishes. Try the squid and pork jowl appetizer; you won't regret it. Chef Pim Techamuanvivit's other incredible creations include chili-flaked fried branzino, curried兰姆shanks, and even some delectable vegetable-focused selections.

tenroku suhi

1825 post st.

Looking for dining a little more down to Earth? Visit Tenroku and sample as much as you like from its conveyor belt of quality sushi. You'll be amazed at the variety! An affordable option that's open late seven days a week, Tenroku is perfect for groups, families, or visitors on a budget.

Blum ' s coffee cake at Yasukochi ' s Sweet Stop

1790 sutter st.

ready for some dessert? The Blum ' s coffee cake at yasukochi ' s sweet stop has been a San Francisco classic for over fifty years. The layers of chiffon cake are frosted with whipped cream and then covered with a coffee crunch candy that owner Tom Yasukochi learned to make from the candy maker at Blum’s, a soda fountain chain that was popular in San Francisco in the 1950s and 60s. The cake is still available at this tiny shop, but often sells out by 11 a.m.so get there early (they open at 10 a).m.)—or plan ahead and order a whole one two days in advance! They’ve also got a selection of other cakes, plus fun candies and cookies.

tyler cohn headshot

Tyler는 San Francisco Travel의 글로벌 콘텐츠 및 커뮤니케이션 부문 수석 관리자입니다. 그는 2015년부터 샌프란시스코에 거주했으며 오랫동안 샌프란시스코 여행팀의 일원이었습니다. 他同样享受华丽的制作和户外运动. 이는 샌프란시스코의 많은 대형 극장 중 한 곳이나 Oracle Park에서 자이언츠를 응원하는 그를 흔히 볼 수 있다는 것을 의미합니다.
