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Visit sights seen in the long-awaited follow-up to the blockbuster trilogy of action films, 矩阵, 在贝博体彩app.

我觉得最大的, 最大胆的, and most innovative movie franchises in 历史 would set its return to the silver screen 在贝博体彩app. 

将于2021年12月首映, 黑客帝国的复活 这是今年最令人期待的电影之一吗. 生产, 合著, and directed by original co-creator Lana Wachowski and featuring the return of franchise stars Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Anne Moss, 《贝博体彩app》系列的下一部向粉丝们承诺, not just a thrilling cinematic adventure but a gorgeous look at the City by the Bay, 太.

Movie fans can take a walk in Neo’s footsteps and into the rabbit hole with this new self-guided 之旅 we've created based on filming locations in the city. 要获取数字地图,请访问 http://bit.ly/MatrixSFTour.



Prep for the 之旅 by cueing up pioneering San Francisco band Jefferson Airplane’s acclaimed “Surrealistic Pillow” album. The psychedelic rock song “White Rabbit” is featured in the film's trailer. Jefferson Airplane began its career at the now-defunct San Francisco club, 矩阵, 在菲尔莫尔街.

游览的第一站是预告片的开场. 到琼斯街的巴列霍街. 走上楼梯,走到一条死胡同, part of the National Register Russian Hill - Vallejo Street Crest Historic District. 欣赏电影中捕捉的全景, 泛美金字塔, Salesforce塔, 海湾大桥在城市景观中熠熠生辉.

This historic district escaped the great fire following the 1906 earthquake and is noted for its pioneering First Bay Area Tradition houses and Beaux-艺术 street design and landscaping. You may even spot the famed wild parrots of Telegraph Hill perched in trees here. 欣赏完景色后,沿着楼梯朝泰勒街走去. 值得注意的是1001 Vallejo,在第二季出现的房子 的办公自动化.

Go east on Vallejo down one of the city’s terraced staircases that winds through a small urban park. 走过四个街区,右转进入哥伦布大道. 漫步经过贝博体彩app著名的 城市的灯光 书店, a literary landmark founded in 北海滩 in 1953 by poet Lawrence Ferlinghetti and Peter D. 马丁. 这里成了垮掉的一代的传奇聚集地.

Soon you will reach the intersection of Columbus Avenue and Kearny Street, the location of the Sentinel Building/Columbus Tower (916 Kearny Street). The 1907 flatiron building is clad in white tile and oxidized copper and straddles 北海滩, 唐人街, 和金融区. Gaze at the landmark building with the 48-story Transamerica Pyramid in the background just like Neo does in the movie. 喝一杯吧。 咖啡馆西洋镜弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉(Francis Ford Coppola)的咖啡馆,位于哨兵酒店一楼.


接下来,沿着卡尼街走到附近 南京之家 (919 Kearny Street),在Neo和Trinity停下来的地方吃午饭. 1988年由Peter and Lily Fang开设, the restaurant is famous for its Shanghainese cuisine and the chef ordering for guests.

Continue walking down Kearny; make a right onto Washington Street and then a left onto Grant Avenue, 唐人街的商业中心. San Francisco’s 唐人街—the largest outside of Asia—is the site of several scenes, 包括在加利福尼亚的格兰特和派恩的格兰特. 唐人街是一个熙熙攘攘的购物、吃饭和了解中国文化的地方 历史 中国移民到加州. You can even take a short side trip to the Golden Gate Fortune Cookie Factory (56 Ross Alley) for a 之旅. Upon reaching 唐人街’s Dragon Gate at the Grant and Bush intersection, turn left onto Bush Street.

下一个, 向右转,走到蒙哥马利44号, one of the towering office buildings in downtown San Francisco featured in the movie. 然后, 沿着市场街向东走,一直走到一号前街, 拍摄的另一座建筑. 穿过前街,左转到松树街.

两个街区外的桑瑟姆街155号是加州城市俱乐部. 爵士时代大厅是一个戏剧性的场景设置. 再往松街走一个街区,经过宏伟的证券交易大厦,就是 乔 & 果汁 (蒙哥马利街235号). 为了电影,乔 & Juice变成了Neo最喜欢的咖啡馆Simulatte. 在那里享受午后提神吧. 

Head north on Sansome to California Street, where a number of movie scenes were shot. You can see several buildings from the film and some of San Francisco’s oldest landmark buildings.

标志性的美术商人交易大楼, 位于加州街465号, 包括在电影里吗. Built in 1904, the building is one of the few to survive the 1906 earthquake and subsequent fire. 

位于加州425号的现代建筑也出现在影片中. 离那里不远的地方是地标性建筑加州银行大楼. The 1908 Greco-Roman style structure located at 400 California is dubbed “The Grand Old Lady of California Street.” 


沿着加州一直走到海滨. 路过著名的 Tadich烧烤, which dates to 1849 and is the “oldest continuously run restaurant in California.” Tadich烧烤 now sits next to one of the city’s newest acclaimed restaurants, Estiatorio或不 Michael Mina餐厅.

同样出现在影片中的还有150 California. The building features a 330-foot-high glass feature with a rooftop spire. 顺着加州往东走,一直到市场街. Visit the Harry Bridges Plaza at the Embarcadero, another film location, in front of the 渡口. Artists, skateboarders, and others congregate at the plaza to enjoy the view.

在标志性的渡轮大厦内,品尝当地湾区的最爱. 拿一杯 蓝瓶咖啡, 汉弗莱·斯洛科姆冰淇淋马卡龙来自 Miette,或品尝牡蛎 猪岛牡蛎公司. 如果露天农贸市场开放的话, 探索水果摊位, 蔬菜, 花, 草本植物, 肉, 奶酪, 而更多的则来自当地的小农和生产商.

吃饱后,向南走到附近的尽头 码头14 这里有海湾最美的景色, including many of the landmarks seen in the film’s sweeping skyline shots.


Salesforce大厦(米逊街415号), 这个城市最高的建筑, 出现在电影的天际线场景中. 由艺术家吉姆·坎贝尔创作 是一个围绕建筑顶部的动态LED装置. 享受参观附近的Salesforce 屋顶公园, which sits 70-feet above the Grand Hall and runs the length of the four-block transit center. 可以看到附近的几个十字路口 黑客帝国的复活包括弗里蒙特街和米什街.

The Avery at 488 Folsom Street in SoMa appears to be Neo’s home in the film. (预告片里的浴缸场景是一个泄露。). The 56-story glass tower is a luxury residential building with breathtaking views of San Francisco Bay and the cityscape. 

Filming also 太k place on Powell between California and Market streets. 为了一个标志性的贝博体彩app体验, take a cable car ride from the Powell Street Cable Car Turnaround located just off Market Street past 联合广场 and California Street. 缆车的终点是渔人码头.

最后一次“矩阵时刻”乘坐捷运到你的下一个目的地. 影片中一个关键的打斗场景发生在市中心的一个车站.
