Waves crash near Fort Point beneath the Golden Gate Bridge at sunset.


从城市各处到你的酒店房间, there are plenty of breathtaking Golden Gate Bridge vantage points in San Francisco.

最初于1937年5月27日完工 Golden Gate Bridge, named for the strait leading from the Pacific Ocean to the San Francisco Bay, 是这个城市最受欢迎和最上镜的地标之一吗. Spanning 6,450 feet, the Golden Gate Bridge is considered one of the “Seven Wonders of the Modern World.”

以下景点均免费向公众开放. Or, if you would like to enjoy staring at this “international orange”-painted beauty throughout your trip, we have also listed several hotels boasting rooms with spectacular views.


Crissy Field

Crissy Field, a former military airfield located south of the Golden Gate Bridge in the Presidio, 在2001年恢复,并提供广泛, fully-accessible walking and cycling trails between the Marina Green and Fort Point. 提供大桥的壮丽景色, Crissy Field offers picnic areas and a small beachfront popular with families. Along Crissy Field, 游客可以在Fort Point附近的暖屋(Warming Hut)吃午餐, Marina Green附近的Beach Hut咖啡馆, 或者去看看空气之家, 其中一栋改造后的建筑里有一个蹦床中心. 

距离金门大桥: 2.4 miles.


Presidio Tunnel Tops

The recently unveiled Presidio Tunnel Tops 室外公园提供了金门大桥的壮观景色. Take your dog, kids, and loved ones to enjoy the parks, open space, and breathtaking views. 你离开时一定会受到启发. 

距离金门大桥: 1.6 miles.

Presidio Tunnel Tops
The Presidio Tunnel Tops is San Francisco's exciting new park in the Presidio.

Fort Point

为了近距离观察这座桥, visit Fort Point, a Civil War-era brick fort accessible via the Marine Drive lot at Crissy Field. 尽管波因特堡从未发生过任何军事行动, 金门大桥的总工程师, Joseph Strauss, redesigned the bridge to preserve the fortress as a "fine example of the mason’s art." 

距离金门大桥: 1.2 miles.

Waves crash near Fort Point beneath the Golden Gate Bridge at sunset.

Baker Beach

Stretching a half mile below the rugged cliffs along the Presidio’s western shoreline, 在贝克海滩可以看到金门大桥的壮观景色. 可乘坐公共交通工具, 海滩上有带桌子和烤架的野餐区, 有很多停车场和厕所设施. Note: the northernmost end of Baker Beach is frequented by clothing-optional sunbathers. 

距离金门大桥: 1.2 miles.

China Beach

位于海崖附近, China Beach is a tiny, 有野餐区、有遮蔽的沙袋, a sunbathing deck, restrooms, 冷水浴和一览无余的金门大桥景色. 注意:海滩只能通过陡坡到达, 大约100级台阶的铺砌车道或天然楼梯. 

距离金门大桥: 2.0 miles.

Lands End

The Eagle's Point trailhead of Lands End near Lincoln Park offers jaw-dropping views of the Golden Gate Bridge. Near the popular hiking trail, which is also a short walking distance to the Legion of Honor, visitors can walk along a paved sidewalk near the 17th hole of the Lincoln Park Municipal Golf Course. Here, there are several benches and photo opportunities to reflect and capture the beauty of the bridge. 

距离金门大桥: 3.0 miles.

San Francisco's Baker Beach is pictured with the Golden Gate Bridge in the background


For slightly obstructed, 但仍然可以看到金门大桥的壮观景色, 游客可以从几个, 意想不到的有利位置.

De Young Museum

位于东端 Golden Gate Park的哈蒙教育塔观景台 de Young Museum 从这里可以看到金门大桥的壮丽景色, as well as spectacular panoramic views of the city and Pacific Ocean. 参观博物馆需要门票, 但是参观观景台, open daily until 4:30 pm, 是否免费向公众开放. 

距离金门大桥: 2.9 miles.


位于帕纳萨斯大道530号 Inner Sunset, 加州大学贝博体彩app分校的图书馆, offers stunning views of the Golden Gate Bridge from its main reading room. 

距离金门大桥: 4.1 miles.

Two people peer through glass walls at the de Young Museum in San Francisco.
Beyond being a renowned fine arts museum, the de Young Museum is an architectural marvel as well.

Coit Tower

Coit Tower, a slender white concrete column rising from the top of Telegraph Hill, 提供360度的城市和海湾景观, 包括金门大桥. 从观景台上可以看到最壮观的景色, 哪个是坐电梯到达的,需要买票. 

距离金门大桥: 4.9 miles.

The Waldo Tunnel

As San Francisco and the Golden Gate Bridge are hidden from the northern approach of U.S. 马林海岬旁的101号公路, 通过沃尔多隧道的司机, 这条隧道的非正式名称.S. 101号公路在金门大桥和 Sausalito, can enjoy the first view of the city and the bridge upon exiting the tunnel's southbound bore. This view may be one of the most dramatic views of the Golden Gate Bridge. 

距离金门大桥: 3.1 miles.

黄昏时分的贝博体彩app科伊特塔, with lighted streets before it and the San Francisco Bay behind it.
Coit Tower is an iconic fixture of San Francisco's Telegraph Hill neighborhood.


For those in search of a room with a view of the Golden Gate Bridge, try these San Francisco hotels.

Inn at the Presidio


谁住过普雷斯迪奥酒店,好吗. 位于历史悠久的潘兴大厅, 以前是该邮局的单身军官宿舍, the inn offers 22 rooms, 其中17间是单卧室套房. 新开业的姊妹物业, Lodge at the Presidio, 最近的住处离桥最近吗, and offers 42 rooms, many of which have views toward the bridge in this boutique hotel.

The Westin St. Francis

Union Square

The historic Westin St Francis offers rooms with gorgeous views of the Golden Gate Bridge from the Tower Building. 从26层开始申请客房, 或者预订两间套房中的一间:太平洋套房和桥景套房.


Nob Hill

The 洲际马克·霍普金斯, perched atop Nob Hill, 提供几间客房与桥的部分景色, 以及它的加州套房. 游客们也可以顺道造访Top of the Mark, 酒店最受欢迎的屋顶酒吧, for an exquisite view of the bridge from the northwest corner of the room.

在马克·霍普金斯饭店对面的那家 Fairmont San Francisco 也提供了从塔式建筑的多种景观.

The Argonaut Hotel

Fisherman's Wharf

The Argonaut Hotel, an easy walk to all of the shops and restaurants on Fisherman's Wharf, offers waterfront views of the Golden Gate Bridge from several of its rooms.

The Golden Gate Bridge at sunset with a multicolored sky and the San Francisco Bay in the foreground.
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