12 Things You Can't Miss at the 贝博体彩app动物园 & 花园 | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩
Animals roam the 贝博体彩app动物园 & 花园.

12 Things You Can't Miss at the 贝博体彩app动物园 & 花园

在贝博体彩app动物园获得最有趣和最迷人的体验的内幕消息 & 花园.

Located where San Francisco's 日落区 meets the wide open Pacific Ocean, the 贝博体彩app动物园 & 花园 城市绿洲是2000多种外来、濒危和获救动物的家园吗. Covering 100 acres of l和, 动物园为游客提供了近距离接触地球上最美丽、最迷人生物的机会.

Must-See 景点 at the 贝博体彩app动物园 & 花园

吃 Breakfast with a Grizzly Bear

每天早上十点半.m.动物园管理员为动物园的两只灰熊Kachina和Kiona提供早餐. 这对令人印象深刻的动物是一对姐妹,她们在野外成为孤儿,在贝博体彩app动物园得到了第二次机会. Learn all about grizzly bears, their special place in California's ecosystem (和 history), 和 see just how much they can eat!

Visit the Giraffes' Home

下午3点45分.m. 每一天, 动物园的游客可以进入长颈鹿小屋,近距离观察地球上一些最大的动物. 动物园管理员会分享他们对这些温和巨人的了解,同时每天给它们喂食健康的零食(香蕉和长叶莴苣是它们的最爱)。. Guests may even get a chance to serve the giraffes themselves.

Children feed a giraffe at the 贝博体彩app动物园.

See Rare Mexican Gray Wolves

These small wolves are nearly extinct in the wild, 这使得它们在贝博体彩app动物园的存在变得更加重要. The four little guys are each named after a famous musician: Prince, 大卫·鲍伊, 和 San Francisco's own Jerry Garcia. 最近的新成员被命名为贝蒂·怀特,以纪念著名女演员贝蒂·怀特,她是一位自豪的动物爱好者. 你可以走进狼峡谷展览的一个特殊区域,以270度的视角欣赏它们的栖息地.

Step Into the Open Aviary

The South American Tropical Rainforest & 鸟舍建筑是你和动物之间最基本的屏障. 这意味着如果巨嘴鸟或金刚鹦鹉突然从你头顶飞过,你不应该感到惊讶! See these beautiful birds, as well as sloths 和 an anaconda, inside. Don't worry; the anaconda is most definitely contained!

A toucan at the 贝博体彩app动物园.

Take A Walk on the Wild Side

The 贝博体彩app动物园 & 花园提供各种导游体验,为游客提供常规门票无法覆盖的展品. 课程时长从60分钟到90分钟不等,可以根据你的兴趣进行定制.

See Experts in Action at the ARC

动物园的“韩国动物资源中心”(ARC)是一个工作设施,游客可以看到动物园管理员和受过训练的志愿者如何照顾动物. Each one of them has a story to tell. ARC也让游客有机会了解动物园参与的各种保护工作.

Waddle to Penguin Isl和

企鹅岛是世界上最成功的圈养繁殖地之一, with 205 penguin chicks fledged since the 1980s. 看这些麦哲伦企鹅以每小时15英里的速度在水中“飞行”! 您还将了解为什么麦哲伦企鹅在贝博体彩app的温带气候中生活得很好. Watch the penguin feedings daily at 10:30 a.m. 下午3:30.m. 在家庭农场.

A penguin at the 贝博体彩app动物园.

Touch the Animals in the Family Farm

The 贝博体彩app动物园 & 花园 is a great place for families to explore. Within the Fisher Family Children's Zoo is the Family Farm, where your little ones can pet goats, 羊, 还有其他动物.

See Gorillas Up Close

琼斯家族大猩猩保护区是美国西部低地大猩猩最大的栖息地之一. 这个保护区占地近一英亩,让游客有机会看到和了解这些温和的巨人.

A baby gorilla at the 贝博体彩app动物园.

Walk Through the Lemur Forest

This is the largest outdoor lemur habitat in the U.S. 这是唯一一个可以让狐猴在整个展览中爬上大树的围栏. Active 和 engaging primates originally from Madagascar, 狐猴有, 事实上, leap from tree to tree. If you don't see them immediately, look higher in the trees.

Enjoy Special Seasonal Exhibits

The Zoo's Nature Trail is open year-round, 但在夏季的几个月里,它变成了一个互动的野生动物教育体验. That's not the only limited time-only attraction at the Zoo. 在假期里, 在“动物园之光”活动中,动物园内的许多建筑物都装饰上了美丽的灯光装置,游客们可以在晚上欣赏这些灯光. During October, be sure to come out for ZootoberFest 和 Boo at the Zoo!

Ride the Famous Little Puffer Train

This pint-sized steam engine is actually more than 100 years old. 它载着几代游客参观动物园,至今仍在运行. 跳上车,穿越公园的南美洲和熊国部分. If the Little Puffer is a must for your gang, be sure to call the Zoo ahead of time, as the train is sometimes closed for maintenance or due to weather.



The 贝博体彩app动物园 & 花园位于斯洛特大道和大公路的交汇处, which runs along the coast. Nearby attractions include 金门公园 和 海洋海滩.

Public transit information, including 市政服务,可于 www.511.org. 如果你带上穆尼, be sure to present proof of payment (transfer); you will receive a $1 discount off your admission.

动物园周末和节假日的停车费为13美元,工作日停车费为11美元. 残障人士可免费泊车,但须出示残障人士牌照证明. 附近的社区也有短期免费停车场.

入学 & 小时

入学 for adults  (12-64) is $25, for seniors (65 和 over) $20, for children (2-11) $18, 和 anyone under 2 is free. Discounted admission is available for San Francisco residents.

每天营业,上午10点.m. 至下午5时.m. (last entry is 4:00 p.m.)


Wheelchairs (和 strollers) are available for rent at the main gate. Accessible routes 和 exhibit areas are indicated on the 动物园的地图 located at the Main Gate. 小Puffer微型系统列车上的一节特殊客车被设计成可以容纳轮椅.


Carol是一名数字营销人员,为全球观众创造了丰富的旅游内容, San Francisco 和 the Bay Area, 食物 & drink, outdoor experiences, 和 cross-cultural storytelling. 她的作品发表于《贝博体彩》和《贝博体彩app》(天际线学院). Before travel writing, her professional background included working internationally in business, 非营利组织, 和政府. 她和家人住在贝博体彩app,经常去她所在城市的公园游玩, especially untamed McLaren Park.

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