Everything You Need to Know About San Francisco's Ferry Building | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩

Everything You Need to Know About San Francisco's Ferry Building

交通枢纽, 历史地标, 美食圣地, San Francisco's Ferry Building should be on every visitor's list.

In a destination with more than its fair share of world-famous icons, San Francisco's Ferry Building stands out for its two-fold celebrity status: it's both a historic architectural landmark and a pillar of the city's celebrated 烹饪的场景.

渡轮大厦街市 它的邻边 农贸市场 serve in an equally outstanding capacity as places to eat and immerse yourself in the local community. 花点时间浏览一下中殿两旁的小贩, 市场的中心室内通道, and you'll experience one of San Francisco's most-vibrant gathering places, while discovering the bounty of Northern California's artisan 食物 and wine producers.


贝博体彩app渡轮大厦于1898年首次开放, 当时它是这个城市有史以来最大的工程. 优雅的拱门和245英尺高的钟楼, the enormous Beaux 艺术-style building was inspired by classical European architecture. 它曾是该市的主要交通枢纽, 欢迎多达50人,每天有1000名通勤者, who rode in on the ferry in the mornings and reversed the journey in the afternoons. At its peak, it was one of the busiest transit terminals in the world. 的建设 金门大桥 和海湾大桥, 随着汽车的普及, 使得渡轮大厦几乎被淘汰. 1955年,它被改造成办公空间.

2003年3月, the San Francisco Ferry Building re-opened to the public as the Ferry Building Marketplace, 标志着为期四年的大规模修复工程的结束. 渡轮服务恢复正常. 的 marketplace's mission is to promote regional artisan producers and be a gathering place for the Bay Area's communities. 它也是一个非常受欢迎的旅游景点.


渡轮大厦街市 is packed with 食物 vendors who offer treats from coffee and pastries to charcuterie and farmstead cheeses. Visitors can find the makings of a fine picnic or hotel room feast, but you can also stay put and enjoy a meal at one of the numerous sit-down restaurants in the marketplace. 

At Cholita琳达在这里,你可以品尝到新鲜的拉丁菜肴. 早餐在 Boulettes食品室以乡村风情为灵感,在公共餐桌上用餐,是著名的. 汉堡店的ahi汉堡 先验哲学的路边 是当地人的最爱,就像它的手工奶昔一样. 猪岛牡蛎公司 提供最新鲜的食物 海湾牡蛎, 未加工的或有创意的, serving them alongside other sea食物 options and incredible views of San Francisco Bay. 倾斜的门, 以越南经典美食的当代风格而闻名, is notable for being twice-named the nation's most outstanding restaurant by the James Beard 基金会. 它计划于2023年重新开放.

农贸市场 & 户外的供应商

的 渡轮广场农贸市场 is adjacent to the Ferry Building on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 a.m. 到2点.m. 星期六早上8点开始.m. 到2点.m. 这个市场每周吸引大约4万名购物者. 的 crowds come for fresh, local produce and artisan offerings including breads and cheeses. 周四市场提供街头小吃, 星期六, a number of local restaurants come out to showcase items from their menus.


渡轮大厦街市 is located on the Embarcadero, where Market Street meets the water. 很容易到达 公共交通, including Muni, BART, the F-Line historic streetcar, and by ferry. 的 BART Embarcadero station is one block from the marketplace, 和多辆Muni公交车, 地铁和有轨电车也停在大楼附近或附近.

Drivers are advised to park at Pier 3 along northbound Embarcadero or get validated parking at the ProPark Parking Lot at Embarcadero and Washington Street or the Golden Gateway Garage at 250 Clay St. On Saturdays, drop off your purchases with the Veggie Valet from 8 a.m. 到1p.m. 当你继续购物时.


A number of other great San Francisco attractions are in the vicinity of the Ferry Building Marketplace, 还有许多旅馆和餐馆.

再往南15号码头是 探索这是你参观过的最独特的科学博物馆之一. 再往前一点就是热闹 码头39,中国的家园。 海湾水族馆旋转木马,以及这座城市著名的海狮. 从这里继续到 渔人码头这是贝博体彩app最著名的景点之一. 这是渡船的出发地 阿尔卡特拉斯岛 还有观光游船.

向南在Embarcadero是林肯公园, 以丘比特之声而闻名, 一个巨大的弓箭雕塑, 以及无与伦比的海湾大桥美景. Continue south into SoMa and you'll find yourself at the front gates of Oracle Park, 贝博体彩app巨人队的主场. Go further south across the Third Street bridge into Mission Bay and before long you'll come to Chase Center, 这里是金州勇士队的主场, and the shops and restaurants that make up its surrounding community, 繁荣的城市.


Carol is a digital marketer creating media-rich content for global audiences covering travel, 贝博体彩app和海湾地区, 食物 & 喝酒,户外体验,讲跨文化故事. Her work is found in the San Mateo Daily Journal and 的 Skyline View (Skyline College). 在旅行写作之前, her professional background included working internationally in business, 非营利组织, 和政府. She lives in San Francisco with her family and regularly explores the parks in her city, 尤其是野性十足的迈凯轮公园.